
DDPA—DetDanskePetroleums-Aktieselskab·DDPA—DoncasterDisabledPeoplesAlliance·DDPA—DeltaDentalPlanofArkansas.,DDPA;DDPA,DevelopmentalDisabilitiesProviderAssociation(Arkansas);DDPA,Desertification,Drought,PovertyandAgriculture(partnership);DDPA,Diffuseur ...,TheDDPArecognizeswithconcerninstancesofvariousformsofracism,xenophobiaandrelatedintoleranceagainstinternallydisplacedpersons.《德班 ...,Rank...

What does DDPA stand for?

DDPA — Det Danske Petroleums-Aktieselskab · DDPA — Doncaster Disabled Peoples Alliance · DDPA — Delta Dental Plan of Arkansas.

DDPA - Acronyms and Abbreviations

DDPA ; DDPA, Developmental Disabilities Provider Association (Arkansas) ; DDPA, Desertification, Drought, Poverty and Agriculture (partnership) ; DDPA, Diffuseur ...


The DDPA recognizes with concern instances of various forms of racism, xenophobia and related intolerance against internally displaced persons. 《德班 ...

What does DDPA stand for?

Rank Abbr. Meaning. DDPA, Delta Dental Plans Association. DDPA, Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (UN declaration against racism).

DDPA Meanings

DDPA Meaning ; 1. DDPA. Department of Democratic and Political Affairs ; 1. DDPA. Desertification, Drought, Poverty, and Agriculture ; 1. DDPA. Desertification, ...

About the mandate

In 2002, the Commission on Human Rights adopted resolution 2002/68 where it defined the terms of reference of the Eminent Experts as follows: To receive ...

Fighting Racism, 20 Years on from the adoption of ...

The DDPA has enhanced global efforts for combatting and preventing racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance; it has contributed to the ...


Durban Declaration and Programme of Action. The DDPA is a victims centred document, which emphasises the plight of victims of racism, racial discrimination, ...